
I’ve known Alan for over 20 years and he was one of my early converts! Alan bought himself a new Samsung laptop, complete with MS Windows 8.0, which lasted all of a few weeks before one wrong click on a hyperlink in an IE web browser session left him with an infected mess.

Rather than throw some more money at the local IT swindler, Alan asked if I could install “that other thing that you use”, because he couldn’t find his way around in Windows 8.0 anyway! So, without too much hassle, as he only has a small music collection, a spreadsheet and some family photos to back up, Linux Mint 17 was duly installed, his files restored and some basic settings applied.

Now, for a retired chap in his 70’s, you would imagine I had taken on a never ending helpline service, but not so! He has not called me once to sort out any further virus problems courtesy of Firefox, and has had no problem adapting to XFCE. Whilst I could offer him an upgrade to Mint 18, I’m not going to, as everything works just fine and there are still a couple of years of support left for Mint 17.3


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